After the last weekend of racing, Laurie begins the arduous year-end wrap up.
This job is the proverbial 600 lb gorilla for our Administrator, and it takes a good amount of time and effort.
First, every stable submits a year-end report. In this report, you'll confirm who is still racing and who is retiring, as well as directions on stable expansion and which horses you will send to auction.
Second, comes the auction. The actual auction only takes a couple days, but the record-keeping afterwards is very time consuming for Laurie.
After that is all done, Breeding takes place. Everyone who wishes to breed submits pairings and names for the foals. Laurie generates a couple hundred foals, updates dozens of stable rosters, and sends out AR's via email.
I think you can see the amount of work that is involved in this year-end process.
We can all make it easier on Laurie (and speed the process up considerably) if we are prompt in responding to her calls for action. This was mentioned in the forum recently, and I think it is very important to mention it again.
The year end process last season took over two months due primarily to some stables being extremely delinquent on one or more of the steps above.
Let's all be prompt in getting Laurie the information she needs as quickly as possible. Thanks!
This job is the proverbial 600 lb gorilla for our Administrator, and it takes a good amount of time and effort.
First, every stable submits a year-end report. In this report, you'll confirm who is still racing and who is retiring, as well as directions on stable expansion and which horses you will send to auction.
Second, comes the auction. The actual auction only takes a couple days, but the record-keeping afterwards is very time consuming for Laurie.
After that is all done, Breeding takes place. Everyone who wishes to breed submits pairings and names for the foals. Laurie generates a couple hundred foals, updates dozens of stable rosters, and sends out AR's via email.
I think you can see the amount of work that is involved in this year-end process.
We can all make it easier on Laurie (and speed the process up considerably) if we are prompt in responding to her calls for action. This was mentioned in the forum recently, and I think it is very important to mention it again.
The year end process last season took over two months due primarily to some stables being extremely delinquent on one or more of the steps above.
Let's all be prompt in getting Laurie the information she needs as quickly as possible. Thanks!