Yup thats right - $20 whole dollars, not a cent more or less. And the significance you ask 0f such an exact amount? Simple - thats what it would take from each player each month to turn Photo-Finish from a game that is fitted in around The Steward's real life (yup apparently she has one!) to a game that is run as a full time job and would enable her to dedicate more time and effort (if thats at all humanely possible!) to turn the game into what we all know it can be - simply put THE best racing simulation game on the web.
There is a basic equation - $20 per month x 90 players = $1800 pm or $21,600. The figures in black and white that would allow The Steward to dedicate herself to getting the game to a standard WAY beyond the current level. ie more automated and able to run quicker and faster with less down time.
It is appreciated and understood that for some of the players, $20 a month is a sum that is way beyond their reach and in discussions with other players, both contributors and non-contributors, the creation of a two tier system would be the fairest way forward. It would not be fair to expect people who DO contribute to fund the game for the benefit of those who do not pay up (for whatever reason). It would of course be discussed and put to votes and a majority decision and not simply based on one persons demands or the will of the few.
For others, $20 is a small amount that could be easily achieved by simply having one less latte, a pack of cigarettes or a couple of pints of beer! (Depending on your vice!)
Some players are already contributing this (and more) every month and therefore this wouldnt affect them at all. Others have a sudden urge to contribute a substantial sum at or around breeding time in order to get the right pairings but dont feel that its worth them contributing smaller sums on a regular basis to the same value, even though it can work out to be as much as 6months "contribution".
Others play the game because its free and thats the way its been always been run and thats the end of that. Thats entirely their decision and up to them.
What are the current benefits of contributing?
For each $25 (yes $5 more) you get either an extra stall or a guaranteed pairing of your choice come breeding time. It also enables stables to expand beyond Size 2 (ie 10 stalls). Thats pretty much it. I know of stables who havent expanded beyond Size 4 but who have over 60 stalls. This is simply their way of helping with the game whilst at the same time expanding to meet their expectations.
A regular donation of $20 a month would allow the contributing players to have the same benefits as above and perhaps more depending on their level of contribution. For those who felt that they couldnt contribute they would not be able to expand beyond Size 2 which is perceived to be a level that enables players to play the game well without over reaching their ability to manage the stable.
I am sure that this suggestion is not going to find favour with many players but take a minute to sit down and work out exactly what $20 can buy you at home or work?
It is frustrating for all players and especially The Steward not to be able to dedicate quality time and expertise to a game that is universally loved and respected, especially when there is such a long period of time between races (which is not the fault of anyone it just happens). I have heard that some players play the game simply because its free and that if they had to "pay to play" then they would leave - even though these same players are in a position to contribute. A case of having their cakes and eating them?
I am not saying that it will be mandatory for EVERY player to contribute but to enable the game to expand and progress in a way that we all want something has to happen and no one wants it more than The Steward.
So - next time you are out take a look at what is in your purse/wallet/bag and if by the end of the day you still have $20 - why not send it to The Steward?She would appreciate it more than Starbucks, Wal-Mart, the local pub or the sweet shop! You could do it as a "giving it up" exercise and who knows what you might save/lose?! For that $20 you could lose 10lbs by not having the extra portion of chocolate or that 3rd pint?!
I hope you appreciate the reasons for this report - its not to say that the game cannot go on the way it is but dont keep complaining that the game isnt being run the way YOU want it - all for the very small sum of $20.
(Just for clarification - thats $20 US dollars or £10 GB!)