Here are some siblings to some of the best to grace Photo-Finish
- By Stephen Got Even out of Serena's Song -
Legend; Dominate at 3 and 4; 1:55.3 @ 10F and 2:21.4 @ 12F; Literally broke the mold.
- By Stephen Got Even out of Serena's Song -
Legend; Dominate at 3 and 4; 1:55.3 @ 10F and 2:21.4 @ 12F; Literally broke the mold.
- By Stephen Got Even out of Spectacular Wiggle-
2 year old grey colt Bred/Owned: Bally Doyle
(notable sibling: Canadian F TC Winner Broken Dream - Stephen Got Even)
Serena's Peg
- By Fusaichi Pegasus out of Serena's Song-
2 year old bay colt Bred/Owned: Goforwand Stable
(notable sibling: 3x BC Winner & 3x Eclipse Winner Pegasus Song- Fusaichi Pegasus x Serena's Song)
- By Numerous Times out of Dance Smartly -
Top Overall Money Earner; 3x Eclipse Winner; 2x BC Winner
About Last Night
- By Numerous Timex out of Critical Eye -
2 year old bay filly Bred/Owned: Alydar Stables
Tempest Queen
- By Numerous Timex out of Tempest Moon -
2 year old bay filly Bred: Godolphin17 Owned: FDL Lodge
Dance Zapper
- By Ghostzapper out of Dance Smartly -
2 year old bay filly Bred/Owend: Goforwand
-By Fields Of Omagh out of Unwordly
2nd Overall Money Earner; 5x Eclipse Winner; 2x BC Winner
-By Fields Of Omagh out of Unwordly
2nd Overall Money Earner; 5x Eclipse Winner; 2x BC Winner
Queenston World
- By Kingston Town out of Unworldly-
2 year old dark chestnutfilly Bred/Owend: FDL Lodge
-By Curule out of Mystic Lady -
7th Overal Money Earner; TC Winner; 2x BC; 2x Eclipse
-By Curule out of Mystic Lady -
7th Overal Money Earner; TC Winner; 2x BC; 2x Eclipse
Dog Day Afternoon
- By Curule out of Libidinious-
2 year old chestnut colt Bred/Owend: Alydar Stables
War Monkey
- By Curule out of E Minor -
2 year old bay filly Bred/Owned: Zippy Chippy Stables
Phantom Wings
-By Fusaichi Pegasus out of Mystic Lady -
2 year old bay filly Bred: Red Wing Stables Owned: Bonai Farms
(notable sibling: 3x BC Winner & 3x Eclipse Winner Pegasus Song- Fusaichi Pegasus x Serena's Song)
- By Silver Charm out of Safely Kept -
- By Silver Charm out of Safely Kept -
11th Overall Money Earner; TC winner; 2x BC Winner
-By Silver Charm out of Heptonstall -
2 year old brown colt Bred: Pointgiven Stables Owned: Chiquita Lodge
-By Silver Charm out of Heptonstall -
2 year old brown colt Bred: Pointgiven Stables Owned: Chiquita Lodge
- By Kathology out of Allez France -
9th Overall Money Earner; TC winner; 2x BC Winner
9th Overall Money Earner; TC winner; 2x BC Winner
Breaking Away
- By Cat Thief out of Allez France -
2 year old brown colt Bred/Owned: Alydar Stables
- By Alysheba out of Tranquility Lake -
4th Overall Money Earner (1st Female); 2x Eclipse Winner; 2x BC Winner
- By Purple Passer out of Tranquility Lake -
2 year old bay fillyt Bred: Brewery Stables Owned: Bonai Farms
- By Purple Passer out of Tranquility Lake -
2 year old bay fillyt Bred: Brewery Stables Owned: Bonai Farms
Interesting piece Matt. Oftentimes, it comes as a complete surprise when I stumble on to a sibling of one of my horses.
I love reading articles here. I hope more people will contribute! We need DJ to do an occasional statistical article since it appears that the Rag is defunct. How about it, Statman?
I agree Jim. We need a good statman... it's just not the same without some of his ratings that he comes up with.
Calling for a statman
Its a good article - but can I point out that I have a full sibling to Spanish Inquisition already on the track called Ab-Dialagelth who is a multiple winner !! I just love thee STephen got even line
Funny how Stephen Got Even is not what I'd call a great real life stallion yet he is great in the fantasy world.
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