Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December: What makes it so special?

December; it is the time for de-stressing from the past year and looking to the new one with fresh hopes. It is a time spent with family and loved ones during the holidays. The snow is out blanketing the trees, egg nog by the fire, and many other grand and wonderful traditions around this time of year. By many it is considered one of the best times of the year. In fact, it has been proven that suicide rates actually go down during the holidays because of time spent with the family; however, it is also proven that because of that very reason it is why depression rates actually increase… however, this isn’t a Health or Psychology forum…

In horse racing December (and a few months before… namely November) brings about the decision of the champions for the year. Who is the best? But, on our PF calendar we are not in December. We are in the Spring, looking forward to Dubai, Santa Anita, and in a few weeks time the pinnacle of spring the Kentucky Derby!

So why am I still talking about December? This is why…

December for college students means the dreadful finals. A time when professors decide that for students sleep is a commodity that they just cannot afford. It is a time when tempers run high, stress is a norm, and coffee is like oxygen.

One just has to love the air of a college campus at December. Thus, this is where I am; stuck learning things that really have no point. Who really cares about derivatives and anti-derivates? Perhaps only our Statman… Or does anyone really learn anything in Organic Chemistry, except how not to sleep?

December. This is the only excuse that I offer to you. I have about 5 drafts that I started for you to read. A few recaps, a preview of Dubai, Kentucky, and a few other odds and ends. Instead, here I am at 12:20 AM procrastinating on studying yet again, by giving you a dull piece to read about why I’m not writing an article. I sense the irony… I also sense the overload of caffeine and the very sleep deprived self.

But, at the end of the final week(s); there is a bright spot. Winter Vacation, and the start of a new term. So until then, I bid you adieu. Until I recuperate from this study coma that I find myself in.

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