Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How old are you when you are born?

The current hot topic on PF at the moment is - do you want your babies born as foals, yearlings or ready to race?

As usual, this is providing great debate with personal insults being thrown about and a general slanging match between the players and for this purpose we have put up a poll for everyone to cast a vote on.

There is no right or wrong answer this poll is merely to find out simply what peoples preferences are (with a little added option!). You can leave extra comments here but we strongly suggest that you make your opinion and ideas felt on the Forum otherwise its pretty pointless.

The game is all about fantasy with a small touch of realism but its where to draw that line that offers the most interesting debate.

So please cast your vote NOW - if you dont vote you cant complain (well you can but who would care?!)


Rbokie24 said...

I can't beleive someone actually voted for a gestation period. LOL.

joshkayll said...

What does that even mean lol, i don't want the breeding thing to be changed, it seems to be working fine

Jim Webber said...

Agreed Ryan. Why don't we have a 10-minute period for conception as well?

Anonymous said...

10 minutes? That's an awfully slow stallion...

Well if you count the prep time of cleaning the mare, wrapping the tail, tranquilizing her and applying the twitch PLUS cleaning the stallion then maybe ten minutes. LOL